What we do |
Custom Software Solutions
EMA Softech has a long history of helping investment advisory firms solve operational problems. In many cases we assist by automating an operational process to improve accuracy and speed while reducing stress.
We look at your current process and then through questions, learn what you want to accomplish. We then make suggestions and if you agree, a custom solution is designed and built. A good example would be your reporting process. If you manually upload reporting data from a portfolio management system like Advent’s Axys into Excel, for instance, to generate client reports, the process can be time consuming and prone to errors. We can improve the process by building a custom interface that enables the data to seamlessly flow from your portfolio management system into an application that will produce any type of custom reports that you desire. Your reporting process becomes fully integrated and automated – dramatically improving speed and accuracy while reducing stress. All of our custom solutions have two things in common; they are built to meet the specific needs of each client and they’re affordable. So what makes us unique?
So if you have an operational deficiency, maybe we should discuss a means for improvement. |